
Nekisia’s Olive oil & sea salt grenola
Our friend (and favourite baker) Elmarie (@mondvol_soet) recently enlightened us to this somewhat different Grenola recipe from Samin Nosrat’s Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat cookbook. Apparently, according to the recipe in the book, “by replacing the neutral tasting oils used in … Continued

Recipe: Citrus vanilla bean olive oil cake
It’s winter, it’s cold and we need our vitamin C – so why not have it in a cake, and it eat..? Here is a recipe for a lovely citrusy olive oil cake: INGREDIENTS FOR THE CAKE: 2¼ cups All-purpose … Continued

Open (air) studios 2021
This weekend our little town will be hosting Open Studios again! Although this year’s event will be somewhat different from previous occasions due to strict Covid regulations – the quality of the art will still be top notch. Covid related … Continued

Gift local
As we reach the end of this testing year we want to encourage you to support small local businesses as you shop for gifts for your loved ones. We are pledging to support Proudly South African businesses, like our cousin … Continued

Beautiful news video
We recently saw this lovely video featuring our town, by inspirational channel Beautiful News, and have to share it here. If you need more reasons to get out of the city and come visit us in the Great Karoo, you’re … Continued

Small town’s big cheese
When you live in the middle of the great expanse of the Karoo you have to hope that your town is able to provide a few luxuries. Like proper dinner and a show (previous post), good coffee (next post) and good dairy … Continued

an online crowd-sourced recipe book
Oh we love seeing what you cook and create using our products and Instagram is such a great tool for that. From cous-cous to curry; immune boosting soups and good old roast chicken – if you are stuck for ideas of … Continued

a different kind of dry
Out here in the semi desert of the Karoo we are used to dry seasons and dry earth, even dry rivers and dry white wine. But never before has our hospitality run dry. With the onslaught of Covid-19, its lockdowns … Continued